[국제학교소식] 영어학교 소식 - Staff
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[국제학교소식] 영어학교 소식 - Staff

본교 영어학교의 교사진은 세계 각국 출신(캐나다, 영국, 호주, 뉴질랜드, 미국 등)의 교사들로 교사자격증은 물론 탁월한 교육경력을 갖춘 교사들로 구성되어 있어 각국의 다양한 교육경험 및 지식을 살려 본교의 학생들에게 가장 적합한 교육기법을 채택하고 또한 학생들이 영어에 대한 국제적 감각을 익히게 할 뿐만 아니라 실제적인 체험을 통하여 산 지식을 익히게 하고 있다. The teachers in the English Section are all Native English Speakers. They are fully qualified, experienced educators with recognized teaching certificates and university degrees in education. At present our teachers come from Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and America. Having teachers from these different countries benefits our program. First of all, the teachers bring with them a wide variety of experiences and knowledge which helps us to choose the best teaching methods for our students. Secondly, it ensures that we are truly "International" with the children being exposed to different English accents and expressions. Regardless of which country the teachers are from, they all believe in providing the students with opportunities to learn through 'hands-on' experiences and to help each child develop their individual skills. Special Events May 1 - Labour Day May 2- School Recommences

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