[국제학고소식] 영어학교 소식 - Inter-School Basketball Competition 2002
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[국제학고소식] 영어학교 소식 - Inter-School Basketball Competition 2002

지난 3월 13일 본교 농구팀은 H.K. 초등부대회에서 Quarry Bay School을 23대 0으로 승리하는 개가를 올렸다. 나아가 3월 16일 있었던 준결승전에서도 17대 8로 승리하여, 동부지역을 대표하여 서부지역 팀들과 3월 22일부터 경기를 갖는다. 또한 지난 3월 7일 Australian Int'l School과 가진 친선 축구 게임에서도 A, B 양 팀 모두 승리하였다. 4월에 있을 지역 내 다른 학교들과의 경기에서도 좋은 성적이 기대된다. On Wednesday, 13 March, 2002, the primary boys basketball team celebrated their first in the Hong Kong Primary Schools Competition. Applying skill, commitment and teamwork, the boys overcame a strong defense from the Quarry Bay Primary team to win 23-0. Brian Tsui & Gordon Lee should be commended for their offensive approach to the key and successful 3 point shots to the basket. Overall, the boys played a strong tactical game, and proved that KIS is a team to be reckoned with in the future. The team lists are as follows: Primary Boys Basketball Team Gordon Lee(Captain) Brian Tsui(Vice-Captain) Pak Ho Law, Ashley Poon, Brian Yap, Jerry Chiu, Jason Yue, David Yeo, Simon Lee, Tom Lo, Robson Chiu, In Ku Kang Coaches: Miss Cheung, Miss Tousignant On Saturday, 16 March the boys won their semi-final game 17-8 and are now on their way as Eastern District representatives to an important round with Western District teams, starting Friday, 22 March. KIS Boys Soccer Team VS Australian International School On Thursday, 7 March sixteen primary boys played a 'friendly' soccer match against Australian International School. The boys were victorious on the day with both the 'A'&'B' teams successfully overcoming the attacking and defensive moves of the Australian teams. The 'A' team won their game 4-1, while the 'B' team won 1-0. Brain Tsui scored 3 awesome goals, while Odin Leung scored 2. Next month, the KIS boys teams will play other International Schools around the district. We wish them the best of luck. KIS boy's soccer team(combined) Pak Ho Law, Jerry Chiu, Jason Yue, Noel Lao, Gordon Lee, Hank Kang, Alex Lai, Odin Leung, Sung Jun, Lee Arnold Poon, Simon Lee, Peter Wang, Andrew Mak, Brian Tsui, Patrik Johansson, Philip Cheung Coach: Mr Jim Francis

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