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한국국제학교 영어학교 학생들은 지난 몇 달 동안 축구, 테니스, 농구, 필드하키, 체조 등을 익혀왔으며, 지난해 12월에는 Happy Valley A Grade 필드하키 코치가 학교를 방문하여 2주일 동안 G5-9의 학생들에게 필드하키의 기본기를 가르쳤다. Research highlights that "Regular participation in sport and physical activity is one of the best ways to improve health and live longer(HKSDB, 2001)" 1. Physical Education Classes Throughout the past few months KIS students have been playing various sports with enthusiasm, confidence and talent. The sports included: soccer(kicking), tennis(hitting), basketball(throwing and catching), hockey(striking) and gymnastics(rolling, jumping & balancing). The health benefits from regular exercise include decreased risk of developing cancer, heart disease and obesity, as well as maintaining a positive and confident attitude towards oneself and others. Parents children are encouraged to participate in some form of physical activity at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes. 2. Field Hockey Specialist In the month of December 2001, KIS students from Grade 5-9 were fortunate to have a Happy Valley A grade hockey coach visit the school for 2 weeks and teach various hockey skills. The children learned how to pass, trap, strike the ball, and how to play in a competitive game situation. All the children had fun and learnt a new sport along the way!

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